Saturday, June 14, 2008

Selsun Blue

I am not an audiophile. I love music, but I often don't know the lyrics, artist or name of the song. Not too long ago, I asked D why Neil Diamond was singing about dandruff shampoo. He looked at me in disbelief as he told me the song is "Song Sung Blue."

I recently found a new song to like. I heard it on the radio while driving with D and the kiddos. I asked him what "menicuous" was. This is the song. I love it. The words are hilariously horrid, but oh the beat...


ECW74 said...

I love your new favorite :D

Cat's Litterbox said...

Oh Heather...

Michelle said...

Actually, these are ones that get me everytime:

Yeah they're old...but so I am I now.